Monday, August 21, 2006


A concerned friend forwarded me a news article about the recent terrorist activity in India. My friend meant well. After all, they had no idea where in India I was planning to go. I made a map illustrate where I'll be relative to the current/ongoing problems.

I should mention, even before thinking about where I was going to be I was not particularly worried about being hurt or killed by terrorists. I'm not worried about it in my own country so why should I be worried about it in India?

On my map, which is extremely exaggerated, you can see I'll be far away from the political troubles. There is the ongoing stuff in Kashmir and Sri Lanka of course. But in some ways, they are both "stable" situations in that things are not getting worse. The problems in both areas seem confined to the respective region. I also drew a little skull for the now polluted area of Bhopal. ( The water and environment there is still heavily contaminated from an industrial disaster over 20 years ago. Bhopal is a really sad story. If you have a chance to read up on it you should. The whole situation is shameful. ) I never considered much of this while planning my trip. Maybe it will help my mom feel better to know that now I have.

There is no particular reason to worry about terrorism. If anything I'm more worried about pedestrian stuff like getting sick from the food or getting hurt in the same sort of accident I might get hurt in anywhere. I'm a little worried about crime. But I plan to be as careful as possible to not put myself in stupid situations.

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