Saturday, September 09, 2006

No More Theory

Today was the last day of Arches Vaults and Domes. I think I have a pretty good handle on everything. At the end of the day Satprem handed out little certificates and a nice spiral bound print-out of all the class notes.

So far I haven't seen much of India. But I've been meeting a bunch of great people here and getting tons of suggestions of places to go. I'm starting to formulate a plan. Tomorrow myself and a few others from class are going to head into Pondicherry and do some touring. We are also going to try to see more of Auroville, which I have to admit I haven't had much of a chance to see yet either. (Class goes from 8am to 6pm, by which point it's usually too late to really think about going anywhere.

The class consists of people from all over the world, but mostly India. There are a couple of Americans, a guy from South Africa and a kid from the Philippines. (He happens to be of German decent and speaks Tagalog, German and (very good) English. Interesting people, each and every one of them. I'm getting to know most of them pretty well since most are living at "CSR" (Center for Scientific Research)... Earth Unit. It's cosy, but fun. Kind of like summer camp or something.

The food is OK. We've been mostly eating the regional Indian veg food. I don't remember the names of most of the stuff.

I've been drinking bottled water most of the time but there is also reverse osmosis water available here that is safe and tastes pretty good. Most of the places in Auroville have some sort of filtering and UV treatment system. But the water doesn't always taste good from some of the wells. The treated water at the Earth unit tastes like crap so I usually go with the "Dynamized" (It has special mantras played into it, or something... don't ask) reverse osmosis stuff from the visitor center or bottled water, which is only about 50 cents for 2 liters.

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