Friday, September 29, 2006

More Sight Seeing

This weeks course at the Earth Unit has quite a bit of stuff I'm either not interested in or feel is just review. As a result, I decided to skip a few days of class and take the Three Day Introduction to Auroville workshop. I'm glad I did. Until this point, I knew that I hadn't seen much of Auroville. But I had no idea how little I'd seen. Even though most of the today seemed to be filled with exposition regarding Sri Aurobindos "Integral Yoga" and other stuff I don't really care about, once the site seeing portion of the tour started I got to see way more than I expected. One place that I didn't even know existed was the American Pavilion. It's a nice eco-conscience office/dorm with rain water harvesting, photo-voltaic (solar) electric generation and composting toilets. The buildings are made of rammed earth with compressed block in-fill.

We also saw Baraht Nivas, which was once a restaurant, but it now an art gallery. The building is pretty neat. I didn't get too many photos but you should get a good impression of what it looks like from this photo.

Crazy rainbow cloud:

Spirulina. It tastes as bad as it looks.

Ayyappam shows us how to use a water level:

Practicing bond patterns in masonry.

A few days ago I burned myself pretty badly on the tailpipe of my motorcycle. I'm pretty sure this one is going to leave a scar. My souvenir from India:

Over the last several weeks I've taken a few lunches at The Solar Kitchen.
Solar Lunch:
While in an outdoor restaurant a goose walked though the dining area, took a nice fat dump on the floor and then wandered around for a while.

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